Biscuits Cure Problems
I look into beautiful
eyes as my boy summons me from my sleep. Remembering why my life has changed is
hard, but I find strength as Diego smiles at me. “You will make it through
today mummy,” he seems to be trying to tell me.
It is my first month as a
single parent. I’m adapting, changing, and I’m fighting. But I’m also
screaming, sulking and losing my mind. I wave at D across the room and in
response I hear a noise. I wish I hadn’t. It is all too obvious that it is time
to change his nappy. And to run a bath. And to assemble my guardian angel for
the day. Possible all at the same time. Let there be no teething! I cross my
fingers tightly behind my back.
Of course, quite
predictably, there is teething. I peer at tiny sore gums that gel, medicine and
teething rings won’t cure. Miraculously however, a biscuit from great-grandma
will. Cue the roll of the eyes as I give up on his

I join in and grab myself
a biscuit. Why not? Everyone else is.
Times are tough but the
heart is tougher.
Boneata Bell
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