Destination into paradise: New York City

Whilst visiting various shopping centres (as every girl
must in New York!) she purchased an MTV T-shirt, worn for very many occasions
and treasured until this very day, as well as many trinkets of all shapes and
sizes. There she met a sales assistant by the name of Birdy, whom she thought
very highly of and he loved her voice and accent. It would be a shame to leave
the shopping store. It would be devastating to leave the country.
Although the sun was occasionally seen, the rain would
not wash away the smile on this teenager’s face, a girl in New York City – not
a class of school pupils, just a girl; oblivious to the chaotic chorus of
pupils around her and next she would experience the trip of a lifetime…
The Empire State building was Za’es most favourite
experience whilst visiting the country; it was far more magical than she ever
imagined it could be - beyond words. She was also offered the trip to visit
Central Park to see the beauty of 24,000 trees, 250 acres of lawn, 150 acres of
streams and lakes and 130 acres of woodland – an image that many of us only
ever dream of. Nature at its very core, she did not decline the opportunity
because she was given a chance to attend and decided to grasp it with both
There is nothing that Za’e would change about her
experience in New York, although she is burdened with one regret concerning a
kiss that she believes should not have happened however, to return would give
her a new opportunity to experience her holiday again, with the magic it brings
and no regrets this time around.
The trip overall changed Za’e Johnson a lot, for the
better; she now wants to travel more, for the rest of her life and to
experience more about the world around her and what it may contain. It has
become her dream to return to the country in which all of her dreams came true.
She saw a world of amazing opportunity, beautiful sights and sounds and she
believes that it is beckoning for her to return.
Wordcount: 500 words
Boneata Bell
(Task produced for University)
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