Every mistake I make in life creates a diversion from a road that was the 'right' road, but never the 'definite' road, don't stop. Diverge.
Facebook, think twise...
Facebook is one of the most trouble causing social media sites out there. That is of course, if you let it be. I’m forever hearing complaints about bullying over Facebook, there is quite a simple solution to this; block them! To the older generation, Facebook is the trouble that you take home from school or work with you; it’s the ‘acquaintances’ you don’t want to associate with and the ‘popular kids’ that you don’t want reading your diary. However, Facebook is what you make it, as it is with every other social networking or chat site out there. Facebook is no virus, you can turn it off, and you can delete it, such complexity! Not. Bullying over social networking sites just ticks me off, its one simple click to get rid of these bored attention seeking nutters so why give them the encouragement to waste their time? You give reporters, like me hopefully, the stupid stories that fill the papers that then give parents, like mine, the impression that Facebook is some suicide bomb timer cont...
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