
Showing posts from 2014

Have No Fear

Death is always peaceful, with sleep as calm as night, So what's the point in running from A fate you cannot fight? The sky so very peaceful and the Sun so very warm, And so many smiling faces with No time now left to mourn. Heaven is a place in which Our latest dreams arrive. On entrance there are carriages to take you On a drive. On guard there stand the cherubs, To cradle tiny baby's calm And then there are the knights To take the Adult's softened palm. With roses growing widely, And birds flying so free, There's no need to fear death When deaths just a new sight to see. So close your tiny eyes tonight And fear not the morning sight For if it is your time to leave It's your time to arrive too. And in the morning you shall wake, To find the angels staring Down at you. By Boneata Bell 23/11/2014

Being A Mother

You've taught me so many things, my baby. How to use both hands, For three tasks, And carry four items, With one hand. You've taught me so much, my baby. That dreams do come true, When I'm holding you, In my arms. You've taught me to grow, Both in mind and in heart, From end until start. You're so beautiful. But the main thing you taught me, my baby, Is how to love. In a world full of hate. Boneata Bell

Firework of Summertime

I looked so high To see only smiling faces In the sky. With silvers and golds, Of different shades, And lines of different Bronze and haze. I sat as if I did belong, Between both night And darkness. She shot into the air, With crystals flying Everywhere. With cheers erupting from The scene, I danced In sequence as I would in dream. She set my heart alight. Refreshing air and tranquil Wind, hand in hand it began To spin. Blue and red. The favourite colours In my head. Exotic flames of Electric night, I started reminiscing Entirely my life. We kissed. The rule was set, I'm seeing smiling faces, In my head. With children up, way past their bed. I sang in golden summer tune. The air so bright and engulfed by the moon. I took my lover's hand In mine, Deleting time We embraced there, like two Fireflies. Summer firework, by here, be mine. We were brought alive, By summer time. Boneata Bell

Beautiful Insider

  The black queen is as fierce As the white moon, She stands watch every night Over her own soul. Protecting it. Healing any fractured fragments. The black queen is as dainty As the white moon. She stands guard over the Heart that was once broken by A king. The black queen is as dangerous As the innocent moon, Her baby mind is as Killer as the threatened wolf. She’s both everything And nothing. Inside her tiger skin. She’s the black moon and white Queen. Boneata Bell

Where Have I been?

If you are a regular returner to my website you may be wondering where I have been recently. Let me stop you there, don't panic! I am still writing, working and creating! I do however have a whole new life changing achievement! I am expecting a little baby boy in fifteen days! I am going to be a mummy. I haven't posted very much about it because for those of you who are on here for my writing, which I assume is most of you, I would not like to bombard you with my baby thoughts and trust me it is the main focus of my life at the moment. I am currently 37 weeks and 5 days pregnant. The pregnancy has been generally good for me; my first trimester was the best as I didn't suffer from morning sickness so I just spent it enjoying my news and decorating my new house with my partner ready for his arrival. The second trimester was one of the scariest moments of my life when I was home alone and I started bleeding heavily. I was convinced I was losing him and was in the worst state

Baby Bond

Your wriggle is the Meaning of my life. The Blood bonding between both man And his wife. Your movement is the Very breath of me. Making me The mother that I always want To be. Your hiccups are the centre of my world. My diamond baby, tiny pearl. Your superpower kicks drive Me to the moon. It's obvious that You'll be here with me soon. Your attitude is the Reason I am proud. You're my Baby, you stand out from The crowd. Your love is the Colour in my cheeks, the feeling I Cannot find the words To speak. Carrying you is my Reason to awake. With love that Won't be mistaken for Lost, stolen or fake. Your bond is the love Of tiny baby thumps, And I'll love you forever Because you've sat under my heart For the last nine months. <3 Boneata Bell

Angel In Me

                             Angel in Me   With strength enough to summon ocean waves and Heart enough to fly and save the darkest hearts, he is the angel In me. With power enough To clench the largest palm and stance enough to bring the deepest calm, He is the angel, In me. With honour bold enough to burn the strongest brick with ignition tough enough to flare the weakest wick, he is the angel In me. With tears silent enough to shout the loudest prayer and organised maturity to take the scented dare, he is the angel In me. With crystal kiss King enough to wake the dead, and body trust enough to be beside me in my palace bed, he is The angel in me. With bravery the final crown, To place upon his handsome head and there within that chest of his his heart protects my wary head... *** Palm to palm with liquid ink, He saves me, I forget to sink - His power is the sword or knife, He is the angel, In my life. Boneata Bell


My Diego   My angel is my swallow, diving gently through the breeze, My angel is my golden lock, opened with magic keys. My angel is my butterfly, so colourful and light, My angel is the strength I need, To stand and take the fight.   My soldier is my pebble, skimming quickly through the sea, My soldier is the very breath, living inside of me. My soldier is my ripened heart, to all things I never knew, My soldier is my baby lamb, running through morning dew.   My darling is confusion, of which my understanding guessed, His existence only pictured, now his presence constant test. My darling is my sunshine, beaming bright through windows tall, His image breaking every of my Emotion mixture falls.   My baby is my blood flow, my breath, my love, my life. My baby is the reason I would never take my life. My baby is the starry sky, alive with dreams at night, His arrival bringing hope into my Almost perfect life.

The Tunnard Street Secrets

Column Two - Available in Loop Magazine (February ad.) Exploring the unknown is one of those things that can either scare you or excite you. In all honesty, for me it’s the scare factor. My imagination chases shadows around my eyes and ears and every sound becomes a potential disaster. When I think of a ghost, I think of a dangerous ghost; not the friendly Casper type, I’m not offering him tea and biscuits. So when I was driving down Weelsby Road and I saw a dark figure walking a dog, my heart skipped a beat and the girl in my head took shelter under her blanket. I looked again and the figure had gone. I cannot call that anything, but I cannot call it nothing at all. It’s my second column and for my second haunted drive I headed for Tunnard Street, Grimsby . The street is rumoured to be haunted by not one ghost this time, but four. The ghosts of this family are said to walk from house to house through the walls. Others have claimed that the ghosts take the

This is Love

Occasionally love will conquer all. Then it will spit you out and allow room for a few punches and pin pricks. Then it might just pick you back up and let you in again. Because that's love. Love can be so many different things, too many. It can be a gentle walk through the wind, advice recieved or the kiss that shouldn't be given on a night away. But then it can be the very first kiss, the holiday romance, the distance or the resistance. It can be that one person that got away, or that one person that stuck around. It can be right, or wrong. It can be the lover or the lover's enemy. The dream or the impossible. Love could have been you, or him. I have no idea what love is, because l ove is everything and I have no idea what everything is. Is love a mistake or a magical omen. Is the omen a demon or the demon an omen? Occasionally love with conquer all. And occasionally conquer none. In it's wake it will rupture, capture, crucify, mistily and break. Nobody ever said

The Haunted Wonderland

OFFICIALLY WRITTEN FOR LOOP MAGAZINE, GRIMSBY. It is rumoured that the scariest aspect of life is the theory of the unknown. The division between the living and the dead, and the things that lie between them. Whether you are a believer or a non-believer it is likely that you are what I would call ‘a curious’. If somebody thinks that they can prove it, I am willing to hear them out.   There are many stories surrounding Grimsby and Cleethorpes; many sightings and suspicions. So as ‘a curious’ I decided to explore certain haunted destinations across the local area; beginning at Wonderland Market. Situated along the calm seafront in Cleethorpes stands a building many years in age and taking a walk past the building during its peak would have shown a thriving collection of market stalls and delicious foods, but taking a walk past the newly sold building on a cold winter’s night with the wind howling across the aging shutters it sincerely allows for the imagination to wonder. Stand

Today is Different

Yesterday I had it easy, Today its all gone wrong. Yesterday I knew you loved me, Today your hate is strong. Yesterday your heart subsided, Your heart and mine then both collided. Yesterday I had it easy, Today its al gone wrong. Boneata Bell. 14/04/14  

Twisted Heart

Think of the pain, Think of the eyes that are  bleeding with blame, Think of the game. Think of the lie, Think of the gold-plated Skull in the sky. Think of the fright. Think of the dare. That moment of thought and that moment of care. Think of that scare. Think of the past, Think of the memories Burning at last, Think of that mast. Think of the love, Lost in the distance and burning above. Think of the dove. Think of what's lost, In sentence your thought has   been thrown up and tossed. Think of the cost. Think of your pain. I've taken your heart, And returned it again. Remember my game. Boneata Bell 02/03/2014


She laughed and said, "You can't have the best of everything, Boneata". That's why she smiled and said, "I know". There has always been something so secretive about a smile. How it can enchant. And overpower the mind. With words unwritten it can speak such a valuable song. So she smiled back up at her again and with the only power she had left she said, "And your own worst enemy is the best part of the world that you give so easily away". Then she walked away. Boneata Bell 02/04/2014

Stop Whispering.

If it's never. Make it happen. It if stops, Start the clock. If it follows, Hold it tight. If it runs, Draw the line. If it falls, Catch the heart, If it tumbles, Let it start. By Boneata Bell. 30/03/2014

Magic Creation

It was this little form of magic, In a teaspoon. With pearls for eyes And velvet cries, I picture it. With beauty, like a mermaid's gaze, In a tablespoon, that's how we made, This little baby beauty mine. It was this little plan of wishes, In a teapot. With dreams for mind And missing just, those kisses of mine. With wonder, like an angel's wings, In a fairybowl, that's how we made, My baby beauty king or queen. It was this tiny form of dream, In a heartbeat, with hope for hands And lullaby sleep, at perfect scan. With power, like a sealed bond, In a miracle, that's how we made, With golden kicks and magic wands My little baby beauty strong. By Boneata Bell 12 weeks + 4 Mummy to be.

Fear Nothing

It's not you that I am afraid of. Or your words. Or violence. It's not your face that frightens me, Or your world, Or beliefs. It's not what you love that worries me, Or who, Or lack of. It's not you that frightens me at all. Just death, And his ability. In comparison to yours. Because why should I fear you, Or your words, Or violence. When death can take everything, Like my love, And my life. So why should you scare me? Ever today, Or tomorrow. When this could be my last sentence. Right now, Or never. Boneata Bell 2014

Now It's Never

I'm running to you,                                  but you can't see me. I'm asking for you,                                 but you can't hear me. I'm stalking you,                                but you're hiding from me. And you're running to me,                               but I'll never reach you. By Boneata Bell 2014


To be the ticking bomb of time, Two lovers link in perfect rhyme. Crystals on the burning moon, In deadly pace and time, and tune. To be the artwork on the clock, With ribbon on the child's frock, Stained and fraying at the hem, The Reaper will appear again. To be the stalker, follow free, He will turn and run to me. Aphrodite, now shall see, A goddess judged by number three. With corners sharp and edges strong Lava, she did not belong. Owner to her devil sin, Devil makes her sin again. To be the marble strength of touch, Liquid burns as gasses clutch. Water makes retreat so soon, He has no time, to warn the moon. To be the God of growing seed, We abuse the flower and plant the weed. Sunshine she did not belong, To acoustic strength or bird's love song. Sweetheart, I do not find, Love in battle, or strength in time. Manipulate a word for me, Make it real, set her free. Boneata Bell