Taxi Driver

Every time I see, that girl.
Difference in each
A ray of sunshine. In my morning.
After that chilly night.
In my naivety -
Or my fright.

The sway in her legs as
She walked spoke of class...
Her manicured nails - fragments off glass -
From the nights experiences.

A sparkle in her eye. The
twinkle like a shine
In my eye
When she smiled.
Who am I not to wish her mine?

The sun rose with
Her each time I picked her.

And like the fantasies I
Held of me and her.
Drops in the horizon each
Time I drop her. Into these packages...

Many boys at one stop,
Halt is the word, may be a longing?
Never spoken, never forgotten.
All along deceived and naive lust! The veil in my
The serpent be she, It all is revealed.

In the shield of her eyes...

You stare too much.
She lied to my smile...
Watch the road,
My taxi driver!

All writes reserved to Kinoti and  Rebecca Bell (Boneata Bell)
                                                                              Copyright March.
Most credit goes to Kinoti for thispiece of work.


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