The Tunnard Street Secrets

Column Two - Available in Loop Magazine (February ad.) Exploring the unknown is one of those things that can either scare you or excite you. In all honesty, for me it’s the scare factor. My imagination chases shadows around my eyes and ears and every sound becomes a potential disaster. When I think of a ghost, I think of a dangerous ghost; not the friendly Casper type, I’m not offering him tea and biscuits. So when I was driving down Weelsby Road and I saw a dark figure walking a dog, my heart skipped a beat and the girl in my head took shelter under her blanket. I looked again and the figure had gone. I cannot call that anything, but I cannot call it nothing at all. It’s my second column and for my second haunted drive I headed for Tunnard Street, Grimsby . The street is rumoured to be haunted by not one ghost this time, but four. The ghosts of this family are said to walk from house to house through the walls. Others have claimed that the ghosts take the ...